

Family Fun in Forsyth County #5

Why Forsyth County is a great place to live

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Pest Control

Every year termites swarm across the U.S. looking for places to establish new colonies. It takes just two of these young winged termites to start a colony and takes an opening of just 1/64th of an inch for them to get into a home. That's why every year 1 U.S. home in 30 is infested.   This tool is great it shows you what to look out for and the hiding places that one may...

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Simple repairs to help your home show better and sell faster

  When a buyer comes into your home, they can be very fussy about small things. If you want to help your home show better and sell faster, follow these simple repairs.   Kitchen

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Can Landscaping My Yard Help Sell My Home?

Landscaping can make a difference in selling your home. Many homeowners focus too much on improving their interiors and overlook the fact that it is their front yard that creates the essential first impression. A well-landscaped lawn can make the difference in a potential buyer

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Doing the Final Home Inspection Walk-Through

  Final walk-throughs are not a home inspection. It's not a time to begin negotiations with the seller to do repairs, nor is it a contingency. A final walk-through is an inspection performed anywhere from a few hours to five days before closing, and its primary purpose is to make certain that the property is in the condition you agreed to buy -- that agreed-upon repairs, if any, were made and nothing has gone wrong...

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Fire Safety Tips for your Home

      SMOKE ALARMS Have a working smoke alarm outside each sleeping area, inside each sleeping area, and on each level of your home.

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Senior Housing: What You Should Know

    Did you know, The Fair Housing Act (FHAct) protects all citizens from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, handicap or familial status (families with children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal guardians; pregnant women and people trying to get custody of children under 18). http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/seniors Tamra Wade the team leader of Tamra Wade & Partners in 2007 became a certified aging in place specialist....

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Childproof Home Safety Tips

Safety measures to childproof your home for every room: Install child-resistant covers on all electrical outlets. Keep dangerous chemicals out of children's reach. For strings and ribbons, follow the six-inch rule. Always use a safety belt on your baby when she is sitting in a bouncy seat or a swing. Shorten curtain and blind cords. Place furniture well away from windows. Use corner bumpers on furniture and fireplace-hearth edges. Place houseplants out of children's reach....

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First Time Home Buyers-Home Inspections

  As a first time home buyer many have questions on home inspections. How to find an inspector, do you need to be there when they do the inspection, and what do I do after the inspection? Well here is some information that will help answer all those questions. Here we will cover the top 5 things to do before a home inspection. 1. Choose A Home Inspection Company With Top Credentials- As a first...

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